I'm Hanging Up My Hat
When I founded TGIM Digital Publishing, created Writing for the Soul Workshop and then launched it nearly eleven years ago, I simply wanted to do some good. In my active addiction, I hurt a lot of people -most of all my children. I wanted to show them that I'd changed. And I did.

For a decade, Writing for the Soul Workshop prevented teen suicides, restored families and relationships, paired students with well-trained mentors and even put money in some of their pockets. Its impact included cities in Africa, Asia, Australia and throughout the US. All at no cost to those who accessed it or their families.

Looking back at my journey, I can hardly believe the life I've lived. Unless you're in my circle, you probably didn't know that I've helped over 13,000 students around the world and gave away over $2.8 million in programs, books, food, clothes and school supplies. I never gave a damn about profits.

The thing is, I no longer have anything to prove, and I feel like my job with the program is done. I've had offers to sell the brand and content, but I can't. I made a promise to some who submitted their stories for publishing. I promised that even after the program was no more, their stories would live on. So I'm compiling those stories in a book entitled: The Eternal Bond. Through TGIM, I'll continue my work to give away 10,000 books annually to teens and families living in some of our deadliest cities throughout the US.
Thank you to all of you who supported me and my program. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I'm hangin' up my hat with the program, but don't be sad that I'm leaving. It's what's best for me. I did things that my ancestors only dreamed of and now that work is completed ...but not its legacy.